QUAD (QUality ADvisor) is a software suite built around a centralized database for providing traceability of any PCB / Systems electronic production data. It offers a powerful support for PCB fault diagnosis and collects all data regarding PCB repair to share experience between QUAD users. It provides access to detailed information in real-time that can be presented clearly and precisely using advanced reporting. It has been designed to be used either as a stand alone system or to be easily integrated into any existing production environment.
QUAD has been developed to optimize and streamline the collaboration between different disciplines that complement the production process. By providing an open data viewing software environment, it provides an insight for OEM’s, CEM’s, design service bureaus and other suppliers for monitoring manufacturing issues and problems.
It also supports links to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, finite capacity scheduling, SPQ/SPC modules, and can handle complex bills of materials (BOMs) as well as engineering change orders (ECOs).

Strategic Benefits of QUAD
The strategic benefits that the manufacture can expect include:

  • Cycle-time reduction.
  • Scrap and cost reductions.
  • Time-to-market improvement.
  • Quality, productivity, and yield improvements.
  • Complete product/component traceability.
  • Improved data accuracy
  • Shared experience for the diagnostic.
  • Repair action more easy with the advanced diagnostic tools.

QUAD comprises of 3 main modules:

  1. QuadRecorder, part of tester interface, is a generic data logger that allows automatic access to all test and diagnostic results generated by Automatic Test Equipment.
  2. QuadStation, part of repair, analyses the data presented to the repair and diagnostic station, to allow the operator to quickly fix the detected fault and graphically input repair data into the QUAD database.
  3. QuadReports produces advanced quality management information and reports in real-time and can be delivered by e-mail or provide automatically a web site.

Tester interface

QuadRecorder is a generic data logger that captures data from any test system and assembly machines connected to the database host.
The main features are:

  • Intelligent parsing of fault tickets or datalog files for different systems (AOI, AXI, ICT, Boundary-Scan, Flying probe and other dedicated machines for assembly).
  • Customizable data input scenarios i.e. RETEST, known false defect …etc.
  • ATML, XML and Generic parsers are available and are free of charge.
  • Original fault ticket filing management.
  • Measures collection for SPC (Cp, Cpk…)

Repair station

QuadStation provides the user with a complete traceability and history of the product. During the diagnostic step, the operator has a set of powerful tools to help him in the search for a defect. When it is found, a simple click is enough to capitalize this experience and thus share it among all QUAD users.

  • Test result retrieval.
  • Diagnostic assistance.
  • Recording of quality data.

A derived version of the QuadStation named QuadTest allows the operator to graphically input a manual operation result into the QUAD database when no automatic test is performed.

The Graphical User Interface (GUI) for both defect entry and Paperless Repair, uses the powerful viewing features of the QuadView® schematic and layout viewer from ASTER Technologies.

Using the Paperless Repair screen, the user can select the fault to be repaired and allocate the appropriate repair code.

QuadStation provides powerful diagnostic assistance tools such as:

  • Total interactivity between electrical schematic view, layout view, netlist navigator, the tester fault ticket, the defect data grid and the defects advisor bar graph.
  • Defects advisor facility to allow the operator to have access to statistical fault repartition data that has been previously recorded for the same type of product under repair. Repair data is updated in real time for immediate experience sharing.
  • The ‘WEB Navigator’ style interface in the fault ticket allows users to interactively view the fault location on the schematic and layout viewers along with statistical representation of repair activity.
  • The short-circuit assistant
  • The Sherlock Algorithm guides the operator in the Functional test diagnostics.
  • Visualization of the physical layout allows repair technicians to quickly identify components, pins and PCB tracks, resulting in significantly reduced diagnosis and repair time.
  • Visualisation of nails information at the electrical schematic level.
  • Fully automated graphical fault code collection.
  • Panel test management with advanced visualisation.
  • Historical reporting of all the repair activities that have been either performed on a specific PCB or on a specific repair station.

QuadStation offers a graphic environment for the repair of the panel. When the tested panel failed, then a view of the panel is displayed on the screen with a red area over the failed boards and a green square over the good boards. This view can be displayed on the Top or on the bottom side. Each red area is linked to a tab corresponding to each test result of failed board on the panel. This allows operators to find quickly the failed board and avoids errors of repair.

Traceability & Quality


QuadReports allows interactive or automatic report generation using the de-facto standard Crystal Reports™ tool. These textual and graphical reports are fully customizable and can exported in PDF or Excel format to be easily distributed via email. The QuadReports for the Web is also available for investigation, presentation of quality report and repair data, anytime and anywhere.

This module also supports user programmable alarm generation to indicate critical changes to the manufacturing process that require immediate remedial action to be taken.

The reports are defined by the user with a number of parameters such as the start date, the end date, the station name … They can extract:

  • Defects and repairs (Yield, FPY, Pareto of defects, Workflow, DPMO …)
  • Measures in the test program (Cp, Cpk, Mean, repeatability …)

Some examples of a typical advanced reports are detailed below:

Reports can be created in any user specified format i.e. bar, column, pie and Pareto charts as shown above for visualizing any type of data. It is particularly useful for Statistical Process Control (Cp, Cpk) analysis, for representing First Pass Yield (FPY) and DPMO information etc.

All reports can be produced in HTML format for remote access through an internet connection to a centralised web server and downloaded to any client application running on a PC, tablet or smartphone.
This particularly useful when you are working remotely to the manufacturing facility and it is necessary to obtain real-time data at anytime and anywhere.

Key product benefits

Ease of Use

Flexible modular software application that is easily integrated into an existing quality system organization, or used as a stand alone application.

Based on Industry Standards

Interfaces with industry standard database environments, such as Oracle, MS-SQL, Access .. etc.

Maximize performance

A high level of performance is achieved by adopting innovative programming technology to optimise database access.

Paperless repair powered by QuadView

Intuitive GUI provides hyperlinked interaction between fault ticket, schematic/layout viewers & defect advisor panel for ease of diagnosis and repair.

Clear and precise reporting

Quality management information and reports provided on demand, clear and precise using advanced reporting software.

WEB reporting

XML compatible for web presentation of quality report and repair data, available anytime and anywhere via the internet.

Real-time process alarms

Real-time alarms to quickly identify process problems and immediately alert staff to allow quick and remedial action.

Product history and tracking

Access to a complete history of product manufacture and test processes allows historical problems to be quickly identified.

Immediate cost savings

Increase revenue by improving team productivity by eliminating non-value added tasks, simplifying administrative procedures and automating the workflow.

Ease of maintenance

Networking contribution is minimised in order to allow ease of maintenance.