Plasma Cleaner

Plasma Cleaner

Plasma is generated in vacuum by our original technology

Surface Reforming Device DTS-01

  • NEPS/high frequency, microwave are not used
  • Large-capacity batch type low-temperature dry machine
  • Oxygen radical chemical reaction prevents the sample from being charged and allows it to be processed at room temperature
  • Improves wettability and hydrophilicity before film formation and application
  • It can be used widely as a test research and mass production equipment
Model DTS-01
Control System Sequencer Control
External Dimensions W1000 x D1000 x H1540(mm) 400Kg
Chamber Material Aluminum
Chamber Size Internal Dimensions W600 x D620 x H250(mm)
React Gas N₂ O₂ Ar Air
Vacuum Pump Dry Pump 1000L/min 50/60Hz
Emergency Stop Push Type
Power 3Φ AC 200V±5% 50/60Hz 20A