NS Cerno 103IL

Cerno™ 103IL

The Cerno™ 103IL is a robust selective soldering system delivering an exceptional combination of versatility, productivity and value. The Cerno™ 103IL has many unique features, including high speed Z-axis motion for faster processing time and reduced soldering cycle.

  • Selective soldering of printed circuit boards as large as 610 x 457 mm (24.0 x 18.0 in.)
  • Interchangeable solder pots and pumps compatible with tin-lead, lead-free and HMP solder alloy
  • Choice of single selective solder nozzle, dual selective nozzles with independent control or 75 mm wide wave soldering nozzle
  • SWAK-OS 4.0 graphics-based programming and machine control software enables fast and straightforward program creation
  • Optional in-line flux and preheat module with concurrent fluxing and preheating provides increased throughput


With its feature rich, graphics-based programming and machine control software, the Cerno™ 103IL is specially designed for demanding selective soldering applications. Set-up and time to first article is significantly reduced to within 10-15 minutes. The SWAK-OS 4.0 software features seamless fiducial recognition, live teach cameras, real time data collection, SQL backend data extraction and complete FIS capability for shop floor integration.

SWAK-OS 4.0 graphics-based programming software

Soldering Technology

With its flexible configuration, the Cerno™ 103IL is a versatile selective soldering system capable of processing tin-lead, lead-free or HMP solder alloys. Interchangeable solder pots and pumps are available with either single selective solder nozzle, dual selective nozzles with independent control or 75 mm (3.0 in.) wide wave soldering nozzle. The nitrogen inerted dual nozzle system enables the use of multiple size nozzles within the same program further enhancing flexibility and productivity.

Process Control

Nordson SELECT’s closed-loop rotary encoders and other advanced process control capabilities have been incorporated into the Cerno™ 103IL, enhancing solder quality, precision and yield capabilities.


With a reputation for innovation, comprehensive process solutions from
Nordson SELECT ensure a maximum return on investment and low cost of ownership. From initial process development through full-scale production, you are supported by our experienced worldwide engineering, applications development and technical service network.

Motion System
Z accuracy ±50 μm (0.002 in.)
Z repeatability (1): ±50 μm (0.002 in.), 3 sigma
Z velocity: 0.15 m/s peak (6 in./s)
X-Y accuracy ±50 μm (0.002 in.)
X-Y repeatability (1): ±50 μm (0.002 in.), 3 sigma
X-Y velocity: 0.2 m/s peak (8 in./s)
PC with Windows® operating system
SWAK-OS graphics-based programming and machine
control software
Solder Pot Capacity and Weight
Capacity (2): Approx. 13.6 kg (30.0 lbs.)
Total weight of tin-lead solder together with solder pot and
pump assembly (2): Approx. 24.0 kg (53.0 lbs.)
Total weight of lead-free solder together with solder pot
and pump assembly (2): Approx. 21.3 kg (47.0 lbs.)
Solderable Area (X-Y)
Single bullet, dual bullet or mini-wave nozzles (3, 4):
Max. 610 x 457 mm (24.0 x 18.0 in.)
Min. 50 x 50 mm (2.0 x 2.0 in.)
Board Handling Capability
Max. board size: 610 x 457 mm (24.0 x 18.0 in.)
Min. board size: 50 x 50 mm (2.0 x 2.0 in.)
Max. board/carrier length: 610 mm (24.0 in.)
Min. board/carrier length: 50 mm (2.0 in.)
Max. board/carrier width: 457 mm (18.0 in.)
Min. board/carrier width (4): 50 mm (2.0 in.)
Max. board/carrier thickness: 7.6 mm (0.3 in.)
Max. overboard clearance: 102 mm (4.0 in.)
Max. underboard clearance: 102 mm (4.0 in.)
Edge clearance (5): 3 mm (0.12 in.), edge conveyor
including on-rail clamps
Transport height: Conforms to SMEMA standard
for conveyor height; height
adjustable from 940-965 mm
(37.0 – 38.0 in.) from floor to
bottom of board
Load capacity (6): 4.5 kg (10.0 lbs.)
Operation modes: Automatic (SMEMA), manual or
Facilities Requirements
System footprint: 1701 x 1421 mm (66.9 x 55.9 in.)
Air supply: Less than 10 CFH @ 90-100 psi
Power (mains) (7): Power supply accommodates 120VAC, 60 Hz,
15 A standard or 208/220-240VAC, 60 Hz
single phase, 15 A optional
50 A with topside preheating (8)
Nitrogen (9): 99.999% pure @ 60-100 psi, 30-60 CFH
Ventilation: Rear 250 CFM recommended, two 100 mm
(4.0 in.) dia. ducts
System weight (10, 11): 431 kg (950 lbs.)
(1) Repeatability is measured at full rated system speed.
(2) Solder capacity and total weight of solder pot and
pump assembly varies depending on solder alloy.
(3) Substrates as small as 50 x 50 mm (2.0 x 2.0 in.) are
possible without the need for fixturing or other tooling.
(4) Contact factory regarding smaller boards/carriers.
(5) Edge conveyor conforms to SMEMA standards.
(6) Total weight of all parts on conveyor at any one time.
Contact factory regarding requirements for greater load
(7) Electrical power varies depending on configuration.
(8) Topside preheating only available with 208/220-
240VAC, 60 Hz, single phase power supply.
(9) Nitrogen consmption is solder nozzle dependent and
machine configuration dependent.
(10) System weight varies depending on configuration.
(11) Configuration dependent. Other configurations may be
available. Contact Nordson SELECT.
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