Calibrated Process Jetting (CPJ)

Calibrated Process Jetting (CPJ) is an innovative, patented, closed-loop technology that produces consistent dispense amounts for high yield

Fluid viscosity and dispense weight vary with time and temperature, therefore closed-loop process controls remove dependence upon an operator to make appropriate adjustments. There are two methods of Calibrated Process Jetting (CPJ)

Standard CPJ

Standard CPJ maintains volumetric repeatability for closed-loop process control and automatically compensates for changes in fluid viscosity, using Nordson ASYMTEK’s proprietary Fluidmove® software and some hardware features. The dispenser automatically measures the mass per dot and compares it to user-specified min/max values to maintain constant dispensed weight per part (Patent #5906682). It’s also been called Mass Flow Calibration for needle dispensing. Standard CPJ is included in Nordson ASYMTEK’s Spectrum II Premier and Quantum® systems, and is available as an option for Spectrum S2-900 and DispenseMate® D-595.


CPJ+ adjusts pressure to maintain constant mass per dot. Using Fluidmove® software and some additional hardware features, CPJ+ automatically compensates for both fluid viscosity changes over time as well as batch-to-batch variations. CPJ+ increases dispense accuracy, delivering higher yields and ensuring consistent Takt time for improved process capability (CpK).

Dispensing programs and CPJ+ settings are easily transferred between Nordson ASYMTEK dispensers in the same factory and around the world. This produces faster setup as well as reduced process development and production set-up times.

CPJ+ is easy to use. The process engineer simply enters key process parameters into the software. Settings are recorded for traceability. At programmed intervals, the dispenser measures the weight per dot and adjusts the pressure to maintain a constant mass per part. Errors associated with operator adjustment during production are eliminated since the process is under machine control. CPJ+ also allows dispensing processes to be remotely maintained from a central computer via a SECS/GEM interface.

CPJ+ enables precise jetting for uniform mass deposition that’s critical to several types of applications:

  • Thermal interface material dispensing applications requiring a high degree of thermal transfer efficiency.
  • Underfill dispensing applications with tight keep-out zones.
  • Sealing applications where uniform bondline thickness is critical.

CPJ+ is optional on the Spectrum II and Quantum® systems.