InterFlux ICSF

InterFlux ICSF-Select

  • Environmentally Friendly
  • Cost Reduction
  • Higher Reliability
  • Smart Board Positioning
  • Automatic Flux Detection
  • High Speed XY – Movement
  • On The Fly Mode

InterFlux ICSF-Select Series is an innovative selective jetting fluxing machine, which is different with current spray method machine, this will bring quite a lot advantages for the production line and products quality.

Conveyor Length 1,000mm 850mm 750mm
Product Size 610x610mm, Optional 920x610mm 410x410mm 310x310mm
Weight 600 kg 550kg 500kg
Machine Frame welded
Compressed Air Supply No Compressed Air used
Conveyor Type SS316 Pin Chain
Conveyor Height SMEMA height 930mm ± 30mm
Conveyor Width Automatic adjustment by software: Max 610mm Max 410mm Max 310mm
Conveyor Speed Incoming/outgoing: 10 to 400 mm/s, (Set separately by software)
Pass Through Direction left to right / right to left (selectable by software) (NO mechanical change necessary)
Product Positioning Patented soft stop with 2 step detection by Ultrasonic Sensor (No mechanical Stopper)
Safety Relay Safety circuit with front and back emergency stop buttons, front and back door with individual feedback to software
Exhaust Requirement No exhaust necessary, but possibility to connect: Diameter 100mm, 150 m /hour
Exhaust Detection Differential Pressure Switch with indication on software
XY Linear Axis System Servo controlled Belt Drive
Accuracy ± 0.25 mm
Repeatability ± 50  m
Speed Max. 1,500mm/s
Nozzle Type Jet Fluxer (no Air used), 300 microns hole size, optional 200 microns
Nozzle Quantity 1 Jet Nozzle, optional Double Jet Nozzle for different flux
Flux Tank Stainless Steel, 10 or 3 Liters
Tank Quantity 1, optional 2 with or without couplings for quick tank exchange
Flux Level Detection Non contact low level switch for each tank
Flux types Water based, Water soluble, Alcohol based, Rosin based
Maximum Solid Content 40%
Flux Supply Patented variable flow, volume and pressure system with supply pump and high speed control valve
Flux Pressure Variable for each programmed location on the board. Controlled by flux supply pump
Flux Flow Variable for each programmed location on the board. Controlled by flux supply pump
Flux Volume Variable for each programmed location on the board. Controlled by high speed flux valve
Flux Nozzle cleaning/purge Automatic flux nozzle cleaning system by purge
Flux Jet Control (Optional) Patented flux drop check by laser with auto-purge during flux cycle. Ensures 100% correct application of each drop
Nozzle Material Non Stick Teflon Nozzle with Delrin/SS316 Body
Flux drop size 1.5 to 15mm (depending on flux type, nozzle and settings)
Flux Quantity Measurement Accurate measurement by software function. Separate weighing scale is needed.
Flux Tank Drain Automatic drain of supply system and tank by software function with operator prompts
Controller PC, windows 10 platform
Machine Software PLC controlled, can run independently from the PC Software in case PC breaks down
PC Software Package with on and offline programming, picture editing and machine control
Flux Programming Base JPEG, BMP, GIF, DXF (CAD or GERBER file possible if converted to an image file)
Picture Editing Editing software integrated in main software: Four point stretch, Rotation, Mirror, Brightness, Contrast
Flux Selection Flux database with fluxes, containing default values for programming for each type of flux. Customizable by customer
Flux Programming Options Dots, Lines, Multi-lines, Areas. Parameters can be set for each individual Dot, Line or Area
Flux Programming Functions Copy, Paste, Copy with base point, Rotation, Line up, Zoom
User Security 3 levels with personalised users
Program Optimization Software function to optimize flux point routing
Barcode Optional, Automatic program selection and download for each board or per batch and traceability
Traceability Optional, all process values in text file or SQL database
Alarms Current/History
Events Alarms/Software/Machine/Security
Remote Support Teamviewer support available worldwide (Machine and PC software)