Gerber-to-CAD reverse engineering solution for PCB assembly
Gerber Expert is a Gerber-to-CAD reverse engineering tool. By using its highly automated tools and processes, you are able to quickly reverse engineer a set of Gerber files into usable file formats including Fat-f. The Fat-f file is an industry standard, generic CAD format that is owned by Siemens PLM Software. It can be used to import data into any of the Tecnomatix® software for electonics manufacturing solutions such as Unicam FX, Assembly and Test Expert and MES.
• Provides full support for traditional industry data formats (Gerber, Drill, Mill, IPC-D-356, HPGL, DXF and more).
• Assembly reverse engineering creates intelligent part information where none previously existed. Five unique levels of automated footprint/centroid extraction are available, allowing fast and easy processing of even high density board designs.
• HyperNETLIST generation creates netlist information for even the most complex designs.
• Import wizard loads all industry formats (Gerber, Drill, Mill, HPGL, DXF and more).
• Single file, 32-bit “intelligent” database structure
• High-speed graphics
• 999 layers
• 9999 apertures
• Integrated printing
• Polygon support (intelligent raster fill, POEX/POIN, G36/G37)
• Compositing (pos and neg merging, paint and scratch; see also object polarity under advanced features)
• ODB++ import and export (support for valor and frontline solutions)
• ODB++XML import and export (support for valor and frontline solutions)
• OffSpring import and export (support for IPC-2581)
• Import wizard (detects Gerber, Drill, Mill, HPGL, DXF and other formats; converts aperture tables and reads automatically)
• Automatic aperture and NC tool list converter (rules-based, supports any system)
• Gerber 274D and 274X import and export