BasicSCAN Test Generator
Teradyne´s BasicSCAN test generation tool is designed to significantly reduce the cost and time currently required to develop test programs for complex digital components. Applying Boundary Scan techniques, the BasicSCAN test generator creates an effective test for all your IEEE 1149.1- compliant devices.
Available on TestStation and GR228X systems, BasicSCAN supplies test generation for Boundary Scan parts by providing a full access, digital test for process faults in a matter of minutes!
- Boundary Scan Solution for 1149.1 Devices
- Available on any TestStation or GR228X test system
- Faster test program development
- Better process fault coverage
- Improved throughput
- More accurate diagnostics
- Fast and reliable fault detection
Available with TestStation software
Operates on Windows operating systems
- Diagnostic to the pin level
- Easy to use Windows application
- Intuitive operation-minimum training required
- Capable of handling a variety of wiring configurations:
- Un-nailed pins
- Input pins tied to one another
- Pins tied to power
- Output pins tied to input pins
- Output pins tied to one another
- Verifies Device IDCODE and runs optional Built-in-Self Tests
- HIGHZ Disable
- EXTEST Inhibit/Disable
- Non-boundary Scan disables